February 4 is Homemade Soup Day! And Janet Craig has a great, hearty homemade soup for you – enjoy!

  • Ten whole cloves or two whole heads, cleaned
  • Four cleaned, washed leeks, chopped
  • Three yellow or white onions, peeled and chopped
  • Two large white potatoes peeled and cubed
  • One tetra pack of good quality chicken broth
  • ¼ cup butter
  • Two cups Vermouth
  • One cup milk
  • One cup whipping cream
  • Fresh parsley, chives to garnish

3 images: Cream of Roasted Garlic and Onion Soup, bottom left,garilc, bottom right, red onions

  1. Place all cleaned vegetables into buttered roasting pan.
  2. Cover with broth and wine. Roast 1 hour at 350 F.
  3. Put cooled vegetables and remaining fluid into a food processor and pulse until rough chunks.
  4. Add cream and pulse more. Taste and season with white pepper and salt then add milk to thin, if needed. Garnish with fresh herbs
  5. Serve hot with a dollop of cheese, either Asiago or Stilton, in the bowl.

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Chef Janet Craig recipes are simple, healthy, delicious and ABI friendly.  You can find out more about her HERE.

