Think milk only comes in chocolate and white?
Find out how the benefits of the super-yellow, super-spice turmeric can help you post brain injury.
It’s too common for ‘everything‘ to hurt after a brain injury. Swelling and inflammation of the brain can lead to  extended health problems for people living with ABI, from increased risk of Alzheimer’s to chronic headaches and pain. The single most important dietary fix is to reduce salt and sodium intake which effectively prevents excessive water retention.
Another aid is to add the super-spice turmeric to your diet. Turmeric is a root that has been used for thousands of years for its benefits to aid digestion, immune function, liver health, and most notably, its potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.
This simple and delicious recipe for golden milk (or turmeric tea) is a nice way to incorporate the benefits of turmeric daily and aid in relaxation when sipped on before bed. Think of it like a bright yellow warm hug. Just try to keep it off your white bed sheets.


  • 2 cups of coconut milk or substitute nut milk
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (powder or freshly grated root)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup
  • Pinch of black pepper (increases absorption)
  • 1/4 tsp ginger or tiny piece of fresh root
  • 1 cardamom pod (optional)


  • Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth.
  • Pour into a small sauce pan and heat for 3-5 minutes over medium heat until hot (not boiling)
  • Drink immediately




Krista is a dedicated yoga and meditation teacher that endeavors to connect people with self through the natural world. An ABI survivor, she is currently pursuing a designation in Horticultural Therapy and believes strongly that through our breath and our natural surroundings we can reset and reconnect with ourselves and one another. You can find out more about her at:

Filed under: Root to Rise: A Mindful Approach to Living after ABI Tagged: golden milk, golden tea, Krista Schilter, root to rise, turmeric