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Scroll below for image descriptions and artist statement.

God’s Creation

Image Description:

Image of a brain split in two. One half of the brain is filled with vibrant beautiful flowers, with a watering can sprinkling water droplets onto the flowers.  

Artist Statement:

‘God’s Creation’ is a description of me before my MVA as a Manager, Associate Director, in the left of the brain and on the right side is me after. Creative and more into the arts.

Born Again

Image Description:

Image of a brain split in two. One half of the brain is grey, and the other half is multicolor. On the right side of the image there is a garden with tall pink and purple flowers. 

Artist Statement

March 2002 a MVA changed my life from being a logical individual to sensitive creative person.  I was in a high-level Managerial position that required analytical planning, teaching and strategic thinking for a busy retail industry. After my accident I discovered talents and interest that I didn’t know existed. I now have a love for the arts. I am creative and love the simple things. Drawing, Painting, Cooking, Drumming, Gardening and all things environmental.