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Title: Bluegrass (50 x 33) $2000

Artist Statement:

Find comfort in known patterns and repetitions while challenging the eye to see newness in the familiar. This series includes scenes that we glance over without contemplation. The fading transition of modern times provides few opportunities for natural immersion. Find yourself experiencing a new perspective of the familiar – with unique group formations found in common objects: clouds, trees, leaves, beaches and various surface.

Image Description: 

This image depicts a double exposure photograph of close-up blades of grass. The photographer used a prism lens, so the image is mostly blue and purple. You could consider it abstract, but also can imagine the grass blades.

Artist Biography

Lindsi Hollend is a fine art photographer living in Toronto. Lindsi has a unique perspective of the everyday moments and objects in the world, be it the allure of nature or the magnitude of the space that surrounds her. She is fascinated by texture, layers, colours and contrast – all of which are abundant in her work. Photography has given her the true gift of experiencing the world as a keen and eager observer by taking the time to step away from the chaos and create something engaging and inspiring for you.