Last year, we featured over 20 amazing artists who live with the effects of brain injury at our Virtual Show, and showcased selected pieces at various store fronts in Toronto. You can check out their amazing work from 2021, HERE.
This year, we are taking it ONE STEP FURTHER and our Expressive Art Show will:
- Display ALL accepted Artworks at various store fronts in Toronto
- Along with the art curated here, our show will include 2 separate projects – one at The Textile Museum and another created by an Accessible Design student at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD)
- An online map showcasing ALL our art displays in the City
- An IN-PERSON launch event to celebrate our Expressive Art Show and kick off Brain Injury Awareness Month – details coming soon!
- Extensive social media promotion (with artist permission) in conjunction with our other Brain Injury Awareness Month events in June (these usually include lighting the CN Tower green and blue for Brain Injury Awareness and a Proclamation by Mayor John Tory.)