Compassion fatigue affects care-givers or service providers who, on a regular basis, deal with individuals with serious injuries.


Set personal limits by learning when to say “no”.

Compassion fatigue occurs when one oversteps his/her personal limits and symptoms of exhaustion in order to help another.


Emphasize self-care.  Put yourself first!

Nurturing yourself gives you the strength and capacity to nurture others.


Go ahead… give positive feedback!

Feedback is important.  There is no toxic dose of support: as humans we thrive on praise and appreciation.


Remember Plan B

By having a ‘contingency plan’, you will not be afraid to approach your concerns in difficult situations and advocate for change.


Learn to pace yourself.

Give yourself permission for leisure time.  Balance care-giving and work with rest, recovery, relaxation and downtime.


Get some sleep!  Feel well-rested!

There are grave consequences of sleep deprivation: sleep to prevent burn-out.  Invest in power naps!


Above all, be true to yourself.

What are your gifts?  What can you give to the world effortlessly?

Remember: don’t self-deprecate, self-appreciate!