Hinder Property Shelter is located in Earl Bales Park.

The address is: 44 Don River Blvd.

Wheel Trans users should give ‘Hinder Property at 44 Don River Blvd’ as the address.

This is a map of Earl Bales / Hinder Property. You can enter via Sheppard Ave West or Bathurst Street.

Entering via Sheppard Ave West:

Entrance to Hinder Property from Sheppard Ave West via Don River Blvd.

Proceed down Don River Blvd. This is a downhill walk.

At the bottom of the hill, you will see a parking lot. There is more, limited, street parking closer to the site.

Proceed to the end of Don River Blvd. This is about a 5 minute walk. (Picture via Google Maps.)

Here is the Hinder Property Entrance.

Proceed down the trail. The Property Shelter is about a 2 minute walk.

Here is the Hinder Property Shelter – where the program is taking place!

Entering via Sheppard Ave West:

Park entrance from Bathurst Street. (Picture via Google Maps)

Proceed down the hill (Picture via Google Maps)

A parking lot is at the bottom of the hill. (Picture via Google Maps)

Proceed down the trail to the Property Shelter.

You will pass a Public Washroom, and the property shelter is just past the washroom.

This is about a 5 minute walk.

This is a picture of the Property Shelter – where the outdoor exercise session is taking place.