Laura Bellon

Chief Executive Officer | | 647-748-0847

Laura Bellon has been providing services for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) since 2002 in both the public sector and private sector. She has passionately helped individuals with multiple physical, cognitive, and psychological needs navigate the healthcare system and rehabilitation world.

She comes to BIST with a background in Sociology and Education, with certificates in crisis supports, errorless learning and occupational health and safety. Her experience with individuals in the community and within residential programs in the Greater Toronto Area, has helped those living with the effects of an ABI work toward their goals to lead healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives.

You can find Laura by her contagious laugh. She enjoys watching theatre plays and listening to music.

Meri Perra

Communications and Programs Manager | | 416-407-6634

Meri Perra has several years of experience connecting people to resources, through her former position at Find Help Information Services. She has a diploma in journalism, has worked as a contributor and assistant editor for an online parenting magazine and held a position as a news and sports editor for a digital media company before coming to BIST.

Meri lives in a Housing Cooperative in Toronto with her wife and two teenage kids. If you have had a meeting Zoom with her, you have also likely gotten to know her two dogs, who make special appearances at every single online meeting she attends. Every one.

Meri enjoys cycling during the warmer seasons and cross country skiing in the winter. She always wears a helmet.

Madison Chong

Programs Coordinator | | 437-421-4032

Madison is a passionate individual who is dedicated to supporting those living with the effects of Acquired Brain Injury. She provides exceptional administrative assistance and program support to ensure all BIST Members and Stakeholders receive quality service and support. Madison is certified in Mental Health First Aid and holds a certificate background in Fundraising. She is a lover of tea, yoga, and podcast listening.

Fozia Murtaza

WRAP Group Facilitator |

Fozia Murtaza is a Certified Facilitator for WRAP Mental Health and Wellness Recovery Workshops. She’s a Mental Health Advocate, Life and Wellness Coach, member of the Malton Women Council (MWC), speaker for Voices Against Stigma Everywhere (VASE) – a program of the Durham Mental Health Services (DMHS) and Lakeridge Health which aims to educate, advocate, and foster an inclusive community, and a Family and Patient Advisor for Lakeridge Health.

She has many years of experience providing safe and effective workshops. Drawing from her personal journey, she empowers groups and individuals through new habits and strategies around self-care, nutrition, and physical and mental wellness. Fozia leaves participants with the mindset and tools to identify their life issues, better maintain wellness, and better manage periods of illness. All the while reminding them that we are not alone in our struggles, and there is light, hope, and healing throughout this journey.

She is passionate about awakening others to the belief that our wellness is our responsibility and when we fill our cup first and give from the overflow, we are giving from a place of abundance.

Fozia grew up in downtown Toronto and currently resides east of city with her husband. They have two married children who also reside within the city…and she loves being a grandmother!