November’s Topic: Cranial Sacral Therapy with Renee Long of the Cranial Therapy Centre
Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that works with the soft tissue structures of the body and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine. These structures and fluids protect, support, and nourish the brain and spinal cord. CST uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity. Source: Cleveland Clinic
Come to our meeting and you could WIN a FREE set of BeCalm Balls! Find our more about them, HERE
BeCalm Balls will also be on sale at the Community Meeting for $20 (a $10 savings)
Renee Long is a Registered Massage and Craniosacral Therapist and Teaching Assistant at the Cranial Therapy Centre. Her passion and expertise for craniosacral therapy grew from her experience of the sudden onset of epilepsy in her son.
Our Community Meetings are open to everyone: people living with brain injury, families, friends, professionals and anyone who is interested in ABI.
Want to Socialize?
The first part of our evening is about socializing – come out to meet new people or catch up with old BIST friends.
Want to Learn?
The second part is about learning! Listen to a guest speaker present on a topic relevant to brain injury, with time for a question and answer period.
Come for just part of the evening or stay for the whole thing – the choice is up to you!