Featured Image Description: A black remote control on top of a wooden table with the words, ‘Change the Channel a poem’


As we [continue to] struggle with Covid and live our restricted lives, I have been reflecting on how hard it is for those of us who are trying to recover. We need to look inwards to self discovery as we can’t have the kinds of experiences that would normally help us. I find my creative outlets are a game changer for me.” – Elizabeth MacGregor

Groundhog Day, again, without aim.

Don’t want to sleep, tomorrows are all the same.

Want to wake up and find it is a dream

The dream that ends, this is all a scheme.

What is the purpose of life if we cannot grow?

Experiences help us change and flow.

There are no new experiences to be had

Just the same old, same old sad.

But what if we challenge this feeling?

What if we find a different path of learning?

What if we create our destiny

In an effort to achieve serenity.

Reading, painting, drawing, music, things to see

The soul responds with insight and glee.

The dark clouds lift in anticipation

Of a new, unusual creation.

Sleep becomes more restorative

Dreams are new, vibrant, creative.

Stretching ourselves in new directions

Positive energy in sun salutations.

Cheer on yourself and a new beginning

Do not give in to negative thinking.

This too will soon end

While you will continue to mend.

Elizabeth MacGregor is a retired teacher/guidance counselor who enjoys being on a lifelong learning journey.