• May 25, 2015
    Be A Successful Care-giver

    Compassion fatigue affects care-givers or service providers who, on a regular basis, deal with individuals with serious injuries.   Set personal limits by learning when to say “no”. Compassion fatigue occurs when one oversteps his/her personal limits and symptoms […]

  • May 25, 2015

    Be a Successful Care-Giver Compassion fatigue affects care-givers or service providers who, on a regular basis, deal with individuals with serious injuries. Lost & Found: What Brain Injury Survivors Want You to Know Warmline at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation […]

  • May 25, 2015
    BIST Beacon Newsletters

    The BIST Beacon is sent out to all BIST members. It includes information on BIST’s activities and news related to ABI. Click the links below the see past issues of The Beacon. November 2012 July 2012 April 2012 January […]

  • May 25, 2015
    Brain Injury Resources

    Brain Injury Associations National Association Brain Injury Canada Provincial Association Ontario Brain Injury Association Southwestern Ontario Brain Injury Association of London and Region Brain Injury Association of Waterloo – Wellington Brain Injury Association of Windsor & Essex Southcentral Ontario […]

  • May 21, 2015
    My TBI journey – from denial to acceptance

    BY: SOPHIA VOUMAKIS I’ve been thinking lately about the grieving process I went through after I sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in May 2011. It was a long and difficult journey. Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross first introduced her […]

  • May 15, 2015
    The importance of family in rehab

    BY: JODI HARENDORF A few months ago, my husband and I were invited to our youngest daughter’s high school for an academic award ceremony. As I sat with about 200 other family members waiting for our kids’ names to be called, I thought […]

  • May 12, 2015
    An Open Letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne re: proposed changes to no-fault accident benefits

    The BIST board of directors has written a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne and MPP Eric Hoskins to express our opposition to the proposed changes to no-fault accident benefits as outlined in the Ontario budget. As described in the […]

  • May 7, 2015
    Guest post: Brain Girl Next Doors Cat

    We are thrilled to present this post from Lauren Vandal of Braingirl and Next Doors Cat  BY: LAUREN VANDAL When my brain injury happened just over two-and-a-half years ago years ago, I never expected the next 30 months to […]

  • April 30, 2015
    CTE Diagnosis – when will it happen?

    BY: RICHARD HASKELL Chronic traumatic encephalopathy? CTE?  Say that again? To be sure, outside the medical profession, a term such as this may be daunting. It refers to a progressive and degenerative brain disease that persists over a period […]

  • April 23, 2015
    Will new research help treat excessive sleepiness post TBI?

    BY: Sophia Voumvakis In May 2011, I sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). My TBI left me with a number of physical,cognitive, and emotional deficits. Working with an occupational therapist, we were able to identify these deficits develop a number […]