Forms of Art Accepted:

  • Visual arts pieces, such as paintings, photography and illustrations
  • Sculpture (please contact us beforehand about size restrictions)
  • Textile Art
  • Video (limited)
  • Other ideas? Please contact Meri Perra, Communications and Programs Manager at: and we will discuss!


Numbers of Submissions per Artist:

Due to space limitations, we expect that we will need to limit artists to one submission each to be on display at The Clark Centre.

All artists are welcome to submit an additional piece to our Virtual Expressive Art Show, to a total of two submissions per artist.

Artists who submit two pieces can indicate which piece they’d prefer to be displayed at The Clark Centre, otherwise BIST will choose.

If we are able to accommodate more than one submission per artist at The Clark Centre, we will inform the artist. This will be determined based on the ability to accommodate the size of each piece and fit with theme of the art show / other pieces on display.


Art On The Brain does not have a theme. We encourage art which depicts artists’ lived experiences of brain injury, but this is not mandatory.


Visual art pieces must be able to hang on d-hooks. BIST is able to assist with this process.

Please contact Meri for more information:

Financial Compensation:

We can compensate for the cost of materials upon request to a maximum of $50. Artists must seek pre-approval. Contact Meri at:

Two photographs showing examples of frames that can accommodate d-hooks.

Important Dates:

Friday, February 23rd:

Please submit an image / concept of your work to Meri: including size dimensions. This does not need to a finalized piece, we just need to get an idea of your art piece.

The sooner you submit your idea the better!

March 11 – 15th:

Art needs to be COMPLETED. We will make arrangements with each artist to bring the completed art to the BIST Office or pick up the art from their home.

Tuesday, April 3rd:

Expressive Art Show OPENS at The Clark Centre

Saturday, April 6th – afternoon:

Art Show Launch at The Clark Centre

Tuesday, April 29th:

Expressive Art Show CLOSES at The Clark Centre.