If the definition of a superhero is someone who swoops in just in time and saves the day, it can be said that Diana Rockbrune, a marketing and events coordinator at Oatley Vigmond, is the superhero of our 2016 Birdies for Brain Injury Golf Tournament.
Last year, Diana came in literally at nick of time to help an overstretched golf committee and under-staffed BIST team organize a successful golf tournament. From the BIST office side of things, we were on the phone with Diana every day, as she guided us with her expertise, made suggestions and did a heck of a lot of grunt work. Simply put, we can’t thank her enough!

How I became involved with BIST:
I am a marketing and events coordinator with Oatley Vigmond and was approached by a partner to assist in the preparation and execution of the BIST golf tournament in 2016. I was thrilled to help and in the end see the event all come together as a big success. I felt like I made a difference. Now I’m hooked – I love this organization.
If I could pick any job in the world, it would be:
An international photographer.
I have an (irrational or otherwise) fear of:
The dark. Shhh…. Don’t tell anyone.
My greatest assets as a volunteer are:
That I have a great ability to meet people (network) and empower people. My flexibility and ability to solve problems while remaining calm in a pinch makes me good at event planning.
My friends would describe me as:
Someone who is compassionate and caring who enjoys meeting people and making people feel welcomed.
If I could invent a superpower, it would be:
To eliminate pain and suffering in the world as a superhuman healer.
What inspires me most about BIST is:
Being connected to an organization that helps so many people. I have had the pleasure of meeting so many new people that inspire me to become the best I can be. I have learned the true meaning of gratitude.
If I won $1 million dollars I would:
Adopt children and provide a loving home for them.
My personal hero is:
My grandmother who passed away from breast cancer when I was a young girl of nine-years-old. While I did not fully understand the disease, it had a big impact on me growing up. She fought the disease alone at first, not telling the family while she proceeded to take the subway to her treatments at Princess Margaret hospital. She showed much mental toughness and bravery, and for that I truly admire her. I have always had a connection with her despite her passing away when I was so young.

My celebrity “crush” is:
Matthew McConaughey.
My favorite BIST event is:
The Mix and Mingle. It is always great to see the number of people supporting BIST all in one location. It is overwhelming how many people BIST empowers. This event is a true testament to the popularity of such a wonderful organization that helps so many people with brain injury.
A quote/motto I try to live by is:
Living by the words I heard a long time ago. I am pretty sure it was my Mother that said this to me – A wise old owl sat in an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why can’t be all be like the wise old bird?
If I could volunteer anywhere in the world I would:
Help with community development in Fiji.
As a Kid, I:
Lived on a hobby farm. We were from Toronto and had no idea how to run a farm. My Mom and Dad wanted us to experience responsibility and hard work in addition to balancing school. We had dogs, cats, chickens, geese, rabbits, cows, horses and even a pig. Before and after school I had to do my chores. At the time I thought I was born into slave labor but now I see it as a rewarding childhood. Our local friends called us “city slickers”.
I am most proud of:
I’ve been married for 11 years to my husband Joe. He is someone really special and has been an excellent father to our three amazing, athletic sons. Our sons astonish me with their talent in their respective sports. They make me proud when I hear people tell me that they are good ambassadors. I am blessed.
Filed under: Uncategorized, Volunteers Tagged: Diana Rockbrune, Oatley Vigmond, Volunteer of the Year