• March 24, 2016
    Singing meditation for memory

    Meditation is often thought of a silent experience, but our new columnist Krista Schilter shares how an active singing meditation can help boost your memory. Read the first post in Krista’s new column – From Root to Rise: A Mindful […]

  • March 18, 2016
    Exploring Concussions with Dr. Anne W. Hunt of the Concussion Centre at Holland Bloorview

    On April 7th, BIST is hosting a FREE talk on Exploring Concussions: Concussion Facts & Myths AND The latest Research Findings – featuring speakers Dr. Lesley Ruttan of Main St. Psychological Centre and Toronto Rehab; Dr. Carmela Tartaglia, Assistant Professor at […]

  • March 18, 2016
    Dr. Hunt Explores Concussions

    On April 7th, BIST is hosting a FREE talk on Exploring Concussions: Concussion Facts & Myths AND The latest Research Findings – featuring speakers Dr. Lesley Ruttan of Main St. Psychological Centre and Toronto Rehab; Dr. Carmela Tartaglia, Assistant Professor at […]

  • March 15, 2016
    Coming back to BIST’s peer support program

    BY: MARK KONING I recently went through a re-training session to once again become a mentor in BIST’s peer support program. It felt good, returning to a cause that is both helpful and important. After a two-year stint as a peer mentor, I needed a break. […]

  • March 15, 2016
    Being a peer support volunteer

    BY: MARK KONING I recently went through a re-training session to once again become a mentor in BIST’s peer support program. It felt good, returning to a cause that is both helpful and important. After a two-year stint as a peer mentor, I needed a break. […]

  • March 2, 2016
    Boosting our energy at the February community meeting

    February’s community meeting featured guest speaker, naturopathic doctor Dr. Anne Hussain, ND who gave a talk about using natural methods to boost our energy and get better sleep. Before Dr. Hussain’s talk, BIST member and author Shireen Jeejeebhoy spoke about updating her […]

  • March 2, 2016
    Boosting our energy post-ABI

    February’s community meeting featured guest speaker, naturopathic doctor Dr. Anne Hussain, ND who gave a talk about using natural methods to boost our energy and get better sleep. Before Dr. Hussain’s talk, BIST member and author Shireen Jeejeebhoy spoke about updating her […]

  • February 22, 2016
    How to be a good friend to a brain injury survivor

    BY: ALISON During my recovery process, I distanced myself from friends, avoided social situations, and became quite isolated. Every time I heard an insensitive comment (albeit without any malicious intent) or felt pressure to meet an unrealistic expectation, I […]

  • February 22, 2016
    6 ways to support an ABI survivor

    BY: ALISON During my recovery process, I distanced myself from friends, avoided social situations, and became quite isolated. Every time I heard an insensitive comment (albeit without any malicious intent) or felt pressure to meet an unrealistic expectation, I […]

  • February 13, 2016
    Your Anti-Valentine’s Day Playlist

    BY: RICHARD HASKELL Just as Christmas cards seem to appear every year the day after Halloween, doesn’t it seem that we’re barely into January when retailers begin stocking heart-shaped chocolates and miniature teddy bears amidst a sea of red […]