Making the connections: Dementia, Acquired Brain Injury & Financial Abuse

Living with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and / or dementia comes with multiple challenges which put people at increased risk for financial abuse and fraud. Symptoms such as impaired decision making, long and short term memory loss, managing emotions, poor concentration, weakened time-space orientation, impaired senses (such as hearing and vision loss) and slowed information processing increase vulnerability.

In addition, people are at an increased risk of financial exploitation if:

  • They have a cognitive impairment, such as ABI, Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Their spouse has recently died
  • They live alone
  • They are in poor health

Through educational sessions, volunteer training, peer support and an online toolkit, BIST aims to spread awareness and prevent Financial Abuse and Fraud to Older Adults living with cognitive impairments.

For more information on education sessions, please contact BIST at: or 416-830-1485.

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