Brain Injury Can Happen To Anyone

What if you had to use a broken phone for the rest of your life?

People say their whole life is on their phone. If it breaks, the effects can be devastating: you lose your contacts and social connections, the memory goes, the processing slows down, the camera breaks. But all it takes to replace your phone is a quick trip to the store and some cash.


Are you aware?


The statistics are staggering

  • The annual incidence of TBI is greater than that of Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer combined
  • 50,000 Canadians suffer brain injuries each year; more than 11,000 Canadians die each year as a result of brain injury
  • Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability of Canadians under the age of 40.

Are you aware?

The impact of brain injury can be devastating not only to the survivors themselves, but to family members, caregivers, friends and their community.  It can affect every aspect of life, often resulting in loss of livelihood, isolation, physical, emotional and behavioral challenges.

Are you aware?

  • Most Canadians do not know how prevalent brain injury really is or how much it can change lives
  • Awareness can change the world for brain injury survivors and break down the barriers
  • You are instrumental in making sure CANADIANS ARE AWARE!


Find out more about brain injury by clicking below

Brain Injury 101 - Image of different parts of the brain

Learn about the functions of different parts of the
brain and what happens when they are injured, HERE.

Derek Faces of Brain Injury

Find out why the word ‘hero’ comes up so often
when we hear the stories of brain injury survivors/
thrivers & their loved ones, HERE.

Brain Injury and Homelessness

Find out how common ABI symptoms such as
loss of inhibition, communication issues,
decreased problem-solving skills and
impulsivity increase a person’s risk of
becoming homeless, HERE.